Laptop DC Socket Repair, Laptop DC Socket Replacement
Repairs to laptops with charging problems
Laptop won't charge up anymore? - Need to hold the plug to make it charge?
One of the most common laptop repairs that we carry out is repair or replacement of the charging socket (DC Socket) jack where your charging adapter plugs in.
We charge from £50 including the socket and it is possible that we can offer a same day service.
Sometimes the socket just needs re-soldering and this will save you the cost of a replacement dc socket
The repair is guaranteed for 6 months
Included in the repair is a complete internal cleanup of your laptop. Heat is one of the biggest laptop killers and a blocked cooler or blocked fan will make your laptop heat up in no time and could cause serious damage. This takes a minute or two when the laptop is already apart but can be an expensive job on its own, while we've got it apart we may as well do it, and it's free. More>
- Acer
- Advent
- Alienware
- Asus
- Compaq
- Dell
- EI System
- Elonex
- Emachines
- Fujitsu
- Gateway
- Hewlett Packard
- HP
- Lenovo
- LG
- Medion
- Packard Bell
- Panasonic
- Patriot
- Philips
- Samsung
- Sharp
- Sony
- Time
- Tiny
- Toshiba
Estimates are always free and our advice is free too!
If you would like us to have a look to see if your laptop is worth repairing, pop it down and we'll give you our opinion without obligation.
If you have an older but powerful laptop that's of good quality and a trusted make it's usually worth repairing. Some of the newer laptops that are of low quality and cheap design are more likely to be worth replacing than spending money on.
We buy old damaged or faulty laptops.
With technology changing and improving at such a rate it's not uncommon for people to change their laptop for a newer model just because it's slowed down a little or because it's delevoped a fault.
We try and do our little bit for the environment and recycle as much of these old laptops as possible for spare parts which reduces landfill and gives our customers the choice of cheaper used and tested parts. All laptops that we receive will have their hard disk drives security wiped and formatted - your data will be safely destroyed free of charge.
If it's not worth repairing, it might be worth selling - send us the details and we'll get back to you with an offer contact us>